Sunday, February 9, 2014

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Focus Question: How are lesson planning and student assessment enhanced by technology?

Lesson planning has become a breeze for most educators due to technology. There are thousands of websites available to help inspire lesson planning and creativity for educators to know" what to teach." There are many educator websites that are a compiled list of worksheets, lesson plan ideas, and other information so that teachers do not have to "reinvent the wheel," for every lesson plan. Assessment has also become easier through software, discussion boards, blogs, and electronic tests and quizzes. A great example of this software is Edison's own Canvas, or MyMathLabs.

Tech Tool 4.1: Web Resources and Apps for Lesson Planning: This section mentions PBS Teachers. ( This is an awesome website full of lesson plans, worksheets, blogs, videos and more. The best part- its free! There are so many resources, thanks to technology that allow teachers to plan their lessons and reach every style of learning for each of their students.

In conclusion, this chapter provides a fantastic overview for educators to find resources available to help them create lesson plans, assess their students while integrating technology, and also allows the teachers to reach each of the learning standards efficiently. Rubrics provide a great overview and goal for students to reach for when working on a paper or project, and it also allows the teachers to reach each of the learning standards that the lesson plans strives to teach. Lets say it together- TECHNOLOGY IS OUR FRIEND!

Maloy, R. W., Verick-O'Loughlin, R., Edwards, S. A., & Woolf, B. P. (2014). Transforming learning with new technologies. Boston, MA: Pearson.

1 comment:

  1. PBS and other similar sites are not only credible and full of resources, but they also encourage sharing of information, which is incredibly helpful for educators. Hopefully, you can use such resources in the future with your own personal 'tweak' to make it your own.
